Living from the EartHeart


Thank you for visiting. This site holds space for insights about living from the Earth's Heart.We are mirrors of each other. Whatever brought you here and whatever brought my words to you is part of a sharing of presence; an affirmation that we both exist in embodying our own journeys side by side.. an affirmation that we are One.

The EartHeart Journey is a sharing of my experiences from earth, heart, and art. My reflections have evolved on so many levels since I started journal writing when I was 11. What used to be a blog for my art projects and some public musings is now becoming a portal for sharing about consciousness, creativity, sustainability… of light, life, and love. Everything here is part of a sacred journey to oneness within and everywhere. However you resonate, may it reveal to you you inspiration, intuition, or insight for your own life journey.

Note: My new blogs can be found on my Portfolio Site.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Rainbow Cocoon

Hello from Singapore! I am in awe of this beautiful garbage can painted by a child at one of the city's beautiful train stations. Of all the beautiful public art in the streets and the tapestry of heritage and contemporary pieces in the beautiful museums, this is the best creation so far.

There are truly a lot of words to share about this Summer Solstice week. I am still in deep listening about what is being revealed for sharing.  I am here on a free vacation from my brother whom I am helping out a bit for his advertising work. (Not so secretly, I'm on a "secret" mission to influence him on my inner hippie wisdom and making sure he doesn't become a carbon guzzling capitalist.)

There's a lot to say because right now I'm supposed to be transiting from Tanzania to Switzerland for a conference on interreligious dialogue, children, and poverty to my next summer program at my graduate school's campus on the Alpine mountains. 

This 180 degree move was brought about by my need to stay rooted this year: move to Maia, plant, sow, grow, harvest and be the mandala. 

But since travel has been already scheduled for a year now for the original intentions, it still had to take form and manifest. So my body had to ride a plane and fly. And so no matter how I tried to avoid the plane, here I am typing on my laptop thousands of miles away from my country.

Where I am is like having this beautiful trash can as a cocoon for almost a year now. I am being reminded by the innocence of children to keep to the essence of my journey and where my eternal inner work is leading me. They say its the Saturn Return that I'm in the eye of (Finally a universal validation!). I must say its pretty much a confirmation of all the peeling of layers that have taken place in my life for the last 2 years. 

But this is what the essence of a rainbow's message is telling me - after the rains, a message of hope will paint this beautiful oracle in the sky. 

I could have been this caterpillar inside the trash all this time that never knew that a child painted this magical message of hope outside me. It took some time to realize that it has always been there even in the darkest of days. Much like how it is in the trash can in this photo, I had to see this from a perspective outside of my cocoon. This speaks of the essence of awareness as reaching the state of seeing beyond One's Self.

This only means that I am about to move on to the next stage of metamorphosis. 

More to share soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

emahalo a nui loa for sharing the title "Rainbow Cocoon" that's what the whole global earthlings are in really...They haven't come to realizing it yet fully. Although some have and more realizing the wonder of it all and in themselves. Spirit Greatness shining brillantly like the Rainbow with all it colors as we are of colors............Love Ya.